Preschool Classroom Health & Safety Checklist


Preschool Classroom Health & Safety Checklist

All electrical outlets are covered All electrical cords are out of children’s reach. All cords from the blinds must be hooked up and out of the children’s reach when the blinds are down Each classroom must have the fire and tornado emergency procedures posted Each classroom must have and Emergency Medical Procedure poster posted Teachers must follow student to teacher ratios at all times

All dispensers must be filled with soap and paper towel, including the bathrooms. Do not place products on top of the dispensers

No food should be stored in the classroom Cabinets are kept closed and latched Personal belongings of staff, volunteers, and visitors are always out of children’s reach

Teachers are only permitted to eat when sitting down at the table with the children during meals and snacks

All spray bottles must be labeled with the contents and poison control’s number. Spray bottles must be kept out of children’s reach and sight at all times

All tables must be washed with the 2 step process before and after every meal and snack. Tables and chairs should be wiped down at the end of every day

Floors must be swept after snacks and meals

All adults must wash their hands before serving food or drinks, beginning cooking projects, or eating, as well as wiping noses, helping in the bathrooms, administering medication

All children must wash their hands prior to eating, helping with a cooking project, after using the bathroom, and after playing outside

Food must be covered between classrooms

Open food that needs refrigeration should be transferred to a covered plastic container with the date and contents marked on the lid

All open milk must have the date and time on it when opened.

All cots must be 18 inches apart at rest time and each cot must a sheet on it securely. Children must lay facing in opposite directions, head to toe

Your classroom must be arranged so that it is easy to access all areas When supervising the playground/outdoor area all staff must be in different areas of the playground

Emergency Medications are unlocked, out of reach of children, and readily accessible in First Aid backpack

Parent emergency contact information must be easily accessible Water and cups must be available for children at all times

Parents/Guardians/approved babysitters must have id at pick up and sign children in and out of the classroom