Dietary Supplements

Laboratory Testing Services For Dietary Supplements

Consumers’ desire for increased health and wellness has created a worldwide demand for dietary supplement products. People take supplement products to treat or prevent a myriad of conditions or to enhance overall health. With increased demand comes heightened scrutiny, and supplement companies must maintain a competent network of service providers to meet regulatory requirements. Q Laboratories has served the Dietary Supplement industry for over 30 years by providing versatile, compliant laboratory services. Supplements comprise an extensive range of product types, and Q Laboratories has the experience working with a multitude of items, including probiotics, botanicals, vitamins, and minerals. Manufacturers have trusted Q Laboratories to help determine the safety and quality of products since before the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), through the establishment of Dietary Supplement GMPs in 2007, to the present day. Our microbiology and analytical chemistry labs can provide support throughout the product supply chain, from qualifying raw materials and cross-checking Certificates of Analysis (CofA) to determining the shelf-life of products.


Dietary Supplement users deserve to feel confident that the products they buy are safe and of the highest quality. Q Laboratories can help manufacturers across the industry maintain the level of quality consumers demand when producing Dietary Supplement products.